Tuesday, 5 February 2013

prove that 2=1 challenge question.

Prove that 2 = 1

If a = b (so I say) [a = b]
And we multiply both sides by a
Then we'll see that a2 [a2 = ab]
When with ab compared
Are the same. Remove b2. OK? [a2− b2 = ab − b2]

Both sides we will factorize. See?
Now each side contains a − b. [(a+b)(a − b) = b(a − b)]
We'll divide through by a
Minus b and olé
a + b = b. Oh whoopee! [a + b = b]

But since I said a = b
b + b = b you'll agree? [b + b = b]
So if b = 1
Then this sum I have done [1 + 1 = 1]
Proves that 2 = 1. Q.E.D.

(Just in case you're wondering - the above proof is incorrect because in step 5, we divided by (a - b) which is 0 since a = b)

 Written by Peter W and sent to you by Joshua Jasson

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Mathematics Teku said...



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